Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dealing with the Devil

I've been tossing around an idea for a short story for awhile now. I can't say how it exactly came to be, although Black Butler might've had a hand in it.

Picture this:

Senior year isn't going very well for Whistle. She's had to face more bullying than usual--because she was doing what she thought was right--and she doesn't know how she can make it stop. She knows she can't keep living like this, and she tries to act tough, but it only serves to embarrass her further.

One day, she finds her courage where she least expected it: a summoning spell tucked into a library book. When she reads it, she brings out a demon girl, Nikita, who's in a similar situation to Whistle's. Nikita proposes a deal: if Whistle lets her live in her body and possess her from time to time, then she'll help Whistle get the kids at school off her back. Whistle is desperate to be rid of her weakness, so she accepts.

She doesn't realize just what she's gotten herself into...and when she does, it might just be too late.

*spooky fingers* Whoo, deals with the Devil~!

I don't have a name for the story yet, but I'm making it a two-parter. As for Whistle, she doesn't have a real name; I have no intention of giving her one. I just call her Whistle because it'd be weird to write dialogue directed at her without using her name. (That, and she's on the school newspaper--those kids are known as "whistleblowers.")

Away I go!

EDIT (8-18-2014): I've decided that Whistle's name will be Anita Hawthorne!